Tana Water Works Development Agency (TWWDA) was established through a Legal Notice No.28 of 26th April, 2019 in line with the Water Act 2016. TWWDA is one of the Nine (9) Water Works Development Agencies. The geographical area of jurisdiction is Kirinyaga, Nyeri, Meru, Embu and Tharaka Nithi counties covering an area of 17,189.7Km2 with a population of 3,917,065 people (Kenya Housing and Population census 2019). Under the Water Act, 2016 Tana Water Services Board (TWSB) transited into Tana Water Works Development Agency.
Ongoing African Development Bank (AfDB) and Government of Kenya Funded Projects
The Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program is financed by the GOK and African Development Bank. This program is designed to improve access, quality, availability, and sustainability of water supply in 19 towns and wastewater management services in 17 towns across the country. Under this Program, Tana Water Works Development Agency is implementing Six (6No.) projects at a cost of KES 9.12 billion. They include; Kerugoya-Kutus Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Chuka Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Chogoria Water Supply and Sanitation project and Meru Sewerage, Marsabit Water Supply and Sanitation Project and Mandera Water and Sanitation Project and four (4No) Last Mile connectivity projects. All these projects are scheduled to be completed by November 2021 The population to be covered with water supply will be 1,097,518 people and the one to be served with sewerage services will be 298,124 people.
Tana Water Works Development Agency (TWWDA) Area of Jurisdiction.

Embu County
- Embu West
- Embu East
- Embu North
- Mbeere North
- Mbeere South
Kirinyaga County
- Kirinyaga Central
- Kirinyaga East
- Kirinyaga West
- Mwea East
- Mwea West
Meru County
- Buuri East
- Buuri West
- Meru Central
- Imenti North
- Imenti South
- Tigania Central
- Tigania East
- Tigania West
- Igembe Central
- Igembe North
- Igembe South
Nyeri County
- Nyeri Central
- Tetu
- Nyeri South
- Mukurweini
- Mathira East
- Mathira West
- Kieni East
- Kieni West
TharakaNithi County
- Igambang’ombe
- Maara
- Meru South
- Tharaka North
- Tharaka South