In a significant step towards promoting menstrual health and hygiene, Tana Water Works Development Agency (TWWDA), Women in Water and Sanitation (WIWAS), and Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited (NYEWASCO) joined hands on 24th May 2024 to empower students from two schools in Nyeri County. This collaborative effort aimed to equip young girls and with essential knowledge and resources ahead of World Menstrual Day, observed annually on May 28th.

The partnership underscores the collective commitment of these organizations to fostering a comprehensive understanding of menstrual health among young girls and boys. By providing accurate information and dispelling misconceptions, the initiative seeks to create an environment where menstrual hygiene is viewed as a normal and essential aspect of health and well-being.

Through educational programs, workshops, and the distribution of menstrual hygiene products, the partners aim to address the challenges faced by young women during menstruation. By empowering these young girls with the knowledge and tools they need, the initiative seeks to improve their overall health, education, and self-esteem.

This collaboration between TWWDA, WIWAS and NYEWASCO exemplifies a shared vision of a society where menstrual health is prioritized and where every girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential.