The Principal Secretary Water and Sanitation Dr. Paul Kipronoh Ronoh undertook inspection of water projects in Embu County on 29th May, 2023.

The tour began with the signing of an MOU between the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation and the County Government of Embu aimed at reduction of Non-Revenue Water followed by flagging off of the Water Police Unit.

Dr. Ronoh also visited Runyenjes TVET borehole which yields 6000lts/hr and currently in use benefitting 700 people and Ovarire Primary school borehole yielding 13,000lts/hr currently benefitting 230 people.

He later visited 3 major proposed dam sites for Kamumu Dam, Thuci Dam and Thambana Dam which will be implemented under the Public Private Partnership Model (PPP) model. The dams are set to benefit residents of Mbeere North, Runyenjes and Manyatta. This will ensure that the residents of Embu County have access to reliable portable water for all.

Due to climate change, the Dr. Ronoh urged the leaders to encourage members of the public to embrace conservation efforts by planting tree seedlings to protect water catchment areas, conserve water and sustain the environment

The Principal Secretary was accompanied by James Wanyaga Gathaka, Chairman TWWDA, Eng. Philip Gichuki CEO TWWDA, Kinyua Mugo Deputy Governor, CEC water, John Gitonga Mukunji, Eric Muchangi MP Manyatta and Runyenjes constituency respectively among other senior national and county leaders.